A downloadable Santa for Windows

Santa is hungry, click to feed him.

In this short game you click a button to feed Santa, giving you more FEED. You can use FEED to buy slaves that auto feed Santa for you. 

There is no real goal, but if you need one it can be about getting a high score.

This is one of my first games made in Godot, the first one made with 90% my own code. And the first one I'm making public.

I hope you enjoy. And please feel free to comment if you have any feed back.

Also just a little warning if you can't tell from the page itself. The game is made to be a bit spooky. I won't say it's anything too bad just making note of it.

If you're in need of a more info on the game, see the wiki.



Santa Cicker Feeder V2 (new).zip 86 MB
Santa Cicker Feeder V1 (old).zip 106 MB

Development log

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