The Gnome Update.


Welcome to the Gnome update to Santa Feeder Clicker. 

I have added stuff. And I'm going to list what.

Main changes.

There is a new shop, the gnome black market.

It's main thing being that you buy upgrades with Elfs.

With 4 upgrades. (price may get rebalanced)


More FEED per click. 1 per upgrade.


Delay the baby by an extra second per upgrade.

15 ELFS.

Upgrade the timer from 5 seconds to 10. One time upgrade.

30 ELFS.

Lastly, The end

900,000,000,000 ELFS


The gnome market also has a slot machine because fallfail asked me to add that and I thought "Meh why not"

At first I didn't know how to make RNG so it was going to be a joke, being that it always loses.

But turns out it's real easy to make RNG in Godot. So it works fine.


You click on the machine to bet double or nothing.

You have to wait a bit to see if you win or lose, so don't forget about the timer when you're waiting for it.


The base shop now has one new "upgrade" to fill the point left by the gnome market taking it.


In place of the longer time we now have.

A radio, for 3000 FEED.

When bought replaces the spooky stolen Undertale song with a less spooky stolen Xploshi song.

(if you don't know Xploshi the person who made this song whom I took it from please watch their stuff it's great.)

Both shopkeepers now have some dialogue.

I made this to add a hint of world building, it's nothing grand but it's there.

My friend Fallfail made the game a wiki, which works will as a guide to understand a bit more about what's going on, given how there isn't any handholding in the game itself.

(Thank you very much for that Fallfail)


Some little things I added to improve game feel.


The cookie now spin a tiny bit when you click. This is to give clicking bit more impact. How much it spins goes up the more FEED you gain per click.

Most of the upgrades in the shop have to be unlocked now. So now it's not all in your face at once. Such as the milk upgrade gets unlocked after you grab your first milk

There is now a new picture of Santa when you die for a more stand out game over screen. 

The text on the game over screen has been cut down to keep said screen cleaner. A full version of the credits is found as a .TXT in the files.It's mostly just a list of sounds taken from another games I thought had good sounds. So now McPig can't sue me because I credited the sounds I took that they also took given they were stock sounds in the first place.


There's more I think but at time of writing this it's very late and I'm not great and keeping track of these things.

The older version is still around if you want to find out yourselves what's new anyways.


This will be the last content adding update for SFC, as I wish to move on the other small Godot games.

I may still rebalance prices and fix some bugs if any are found and all that jazz.

I hope you enjoy, all of the two people who have taken the time to read this.

And I hope whatever I make next doesn't have as much clicking in it, as my hand is tired of testing the game..



Santa Cicker Feeder V2 (new).zip 86 MB
Feb 15, 2024
Santa Cicker Feeder V1 (old).zip 106 MB
Feb 15, 2024

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